Obligations event based

1.) R C amendment under GST
2.) R C cancellation under GST
3.) Application for R C under GST
4.) Third party insurance of motor vehicles 
5.) Applying PAN

1.) R C amendment under GST

To apply within 15 days of the change in FORM GST REG-14 (Rule 19 of CGST Rules). -

Penalty for late applying, in my opinion, may be imposed up to rupees 25000/- u/s 125 of CGST Act.

If amendment is in core field, then proper officer shall approve it within 15 working days or serve a show cause notice. 

Show cause notice shall be replied within 7 working days of the service of the notice. 

2.) R C cancellation under GST

To apply in FORM GST REG 16 within a period of 30 days of the occurrence of the event warranting the cancellation.

Before that you must file GSTR 1 and GSTR 3B up to date.

After approval by the Proper officer, you must file GSTR 10.

3.) Application for R C under GST

Before applying, declare PAN, mobile no., e-mail ID, State/U.T. in part A of FORM GST REG-1.

On verification of these, TRN shall be given.

Submit part B of FORM GST REG-1 using TRN.

 Part A and B of FORM GST REG-1 shall be submitted within 30 days from the date on which he becomes liable for registration.

4.) Third party insurance of motor vehicles

Owned by you. It should be renewed before the earlier insurance expires.

5.) Applying PAN

In case of an individual -

For applying PAN, you need 

Aadhar  card - Check all particulars on Aadhar card, particularly mobile No. and Date of birth (date, month and year should be there on Aadhar card).

Two photos

Email ID

fill form 49 A - it should be filled with black ink. It should be filled in capital lettrs
Two photos to be affixed on 49A. Three signatures should be put on Form 49A (one across photo but not on face, one is under this photo in the box and third is at the end. Signatures should also with black pen. Submit Form 49A with copy of Aadhaar card to the Facilitation centre.

In case of Partnership Deed - 
you need written partnership deed.

Correct PAN

Form 49B

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